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Marriage Minute for Men #23, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #23, by Kevin Lowry

September 8, 2028 - September 16, 2028    
12:00 am
I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation just outside my office. “Yeah, I’m not sure whether I want another baby. One day I think yes, the next day not so much.” A female co-worker was speaking with a couple other colleagues who stood nearby, nodding sympathetically. Exiting my office, I smiled at the group, and they immediately burst out laughing. They probably figured that I had an opinion on the subject. In a secular workplace, I’m something of a curiosity. After all, why anyone would want eight kids? Of course, each couple needs to pray and discern this important subject, and it's a conversation worth having. In my personal experience, and now as a grandparent, there are few things as precious and valuable as my family. Every child and grandchild is an incredible blessing.
Marriage Minute for Men #1, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #1, by Kevin Lowry

March 23, 2029 - April 1, 2029    
12:00 am
We live in a culture that isn’t always supportive of men honoring their wives. When’s the last time you were part of a group of guys speaking positively about their wives? In the office, the gym, the locker room? TV or social media? Not so much. Unfortunately, many husbands today have become mired in our culture’s downfalls. Challenges abound, including impurity, broken relationships, loneliness and distraction. So why even try? Because even with our imperfect efforts, I’m convinced that there’s a ripple effect that goes way beyond our own marriages. We’ll impact other souls, including those of our kids. Small changes—and a little grace—can yield big results. Our faith provides the antidote to the challenges we face, so let’s be counter-cultural, and honor our wives every chance we get.
Marriage Minute for Men #2, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #2, by Kevin Lowry

April 1, 2029 - April 8, 2029    
12:00 am
The first time I saw my wife Kathi was in college, from the other side of a crowded room. I remember her sparkling eyes, and the smile on her face as she talked and joked with friends. I was utterly transfixed. “Wow!” I thought. “She’s beautiful!” Part of the process of falling in love with a woman is coming to an appreciation of her gifts, which are so different from ours. What first attracted you to your wife? Often a physical attraction initially elicits our interest, but there’s more to her than that. What was it about her character, her personality, her intellect, that endures? What were her strengths that you admired? Take some time today to remember those qualities about your wife that you couldn’t bear to live without. I’ll bet they’re still present, and that she wouldn’t mind if you mentioned just one to her today.
Marriage Minute for Men #3, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #3, by Kevin Lowry

April 8, 2029 - April 16, 2029    
12:00 am
My wife Kathi and I only have one daughter left at home, a teenager named Hannah who occasionally reminds us about important truths. She recently returned from Catholic Youth Summer Camp at Damascus, where she experienced intense joy in Eucharistic adoration. It was a great reminder for us that prayer is critical for teens, and for the vocation of marriage. A good marriage benefits our spouses, children, extended family, friends, and society. Part of my job as Kathi’s husband is to help her get to heaven and help both of us to grow in holiness and charity. What’s the most powerful way to do that? Relentless prayer. How’s your prayer life? We all need a plan in this area of our lives. Remember, prayer for your wife is utterly critical for a holy marriage, and the benefits are truly eternal.
Marriage Minute for Men #4, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #4, by Kevin Lowry

April 16, 2029 - April 24, 2029    
12:00 am
We know that prayer is essential for a sacramental marriage to flourish. Here’s one approach that I like that I learned from the late Fr. Michael Scanlan, President of Franciscan University of Steubenville for many years. It’s based on the acronym ACTS. A is for Adoration (giving God glory for who He is). C is for Contrition (for example, being sorry for missing the mark in your marriage). T is for Thanksgiving (being thankful for your wife, even during tough times). S is for Supplication (prayers for your wife, for her needs, her healing, etc.) As you pray through each element, lift up your wife. Say a prayer for your wife right now. If you’re brave, make a firm resolution to pray for her daily. It can be as simple as “Lord, thank you for my precious wife.” But I’ll bet you can do even better than that.
Marriage Minute for Men #5, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #5, by Kevin Lowry

April 23, 2029 - May 1, 2029    
12:00 am
As you probably know, there are seven deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Are any of them a problem for you? If you’re not sure, ask your wife. She knows. This is what’s sometimes called a “predominant fault,” or area where we experience ongoing struggle. This doesn’t mean you’re a failure – just human. It’s so easy to see other people’s faults, but often harder to see our own. Yet by identifying our most pressing challenge, we can be clear about what’s necessary to overcome it. We often hesitate when it comes to making decisive changes in our lives, but we can’t let our own reluctance keep us in a place of bondage. In order to be the husbands our wives need, it’s imperative that we’re willing to change ourselves. Pray for the grace to identify your issue, and work on it.
Marriage Minute for Men #6, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #6, by Kevin Lowry

May 1, 2029 - May 8, 2029    
12:00 am
Do you have a problem with lust? This is common... and deadly. Too many men today have a problem with pornography, and if that includes you, please get help. Start with sacramental confession, which provides grace to help us make the changes we need. Remember that part of a good confession includes a firm “purpose of amendment” or intention to avoid sin in the future. Think about how to best accomplish that: counseling, support groups, device monitoring? Thankfully, the grace of the sacrament is there to help us make changes, and even our modest efforts are blessed. Confession provides us with the grace to begin again. By committing to work on lust, or any other sin, we’ll grow in virtue, and love for our wives. Commit to always putting God, and your wife, above yourself!
Marriage Minute for Men #7, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #7, by Kevin Lowry

May 8, 2029 - May 16, 2029    
12:00 am
Much to my regret, I have not always spoken to my wife with honor. There have been many slip-ups over the years, and many apologies. I should know better, since I have a fantastic example. My parents have been married for over sixty years. They’re both in their eighties now, and struggling with various ailments. Dad had a stroke a while back that took a toll. But one thing hasn’t changed: he is devoted to my mother, and speaks to her with extraordinary love. He tells me all the time, in front of my mom, how wonderful she is and how blessed they are to be together. My dad’s gift of speaking to my mom with love and affection is just one manifestation of a truly incredible marriage. This isn’t fashionable, but it is absolutely possible. Remember to honor your wife today by speaking to her and about her with honor.
Marriage Minute for Men #8, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #8, by Kevin Lowry

May 16, 2029 - May 24, 2029    
12:00 am
I read an article years ago suggesting that relationships are built up through respect and affection, and torn down by contempt. If, like me, your track record in this area is imperfect, you can change that, beginning today. Our words spring from the heart, so reflect on what’s happening in your interior life. Do you take pains to nurture affection towards your wife, even in the hard times? When Kathi and I have argued, we have come to see that it often results from a loss of perspective. Rather than focusing on the 99% of the person that we love and cherish, we’re instead focused on the 1% that’s harder to appreciate. When you speak with your wife today, build her up with respect and affection. Say please, thank you, and I love you at least once. As needed, tell her that you’re sorry. Repeat as necessary!
Marriage Minute for Men #9, by Kevin Lowry

Marriage Minute for Men #9, by Kevin Lowry

May 23, 2029 - June 1, 2029    
12:00 am
Do you want to know one of the most powerful evangelization tools available to men today? Speak positively about your wife at work. Can you imagine? It’s so completely countercultural, it’s shocking. The practice of men objectifying women is pervasive these days, so hearing any man describe his wife in positive terms is bound to raise eyebrows. It also provokes an unavoidable question: Why? Of course, we know why. Matrimony is a sacrament, an outward sign of inward grace that helps us to grow in holiness. It’s our primary vocation, and an indispensable part of our journey to heaven. Our wives are like the crown jewels of our lives. We freely chose to make a lifelong commitment to them, and they are worthy of being treasured. They are truly a source of wealth, joy, and blessings.
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