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Marriage Minute for Men #8, by Kevin Lowry

I read an article years ago suggesting that relationships are built up through respect and affection, and torn down by contempt. If, like me, your track record in this area is imperfect, you can change that, beginning today. Our words spring from the heart, so reflect on what’s happening in your interior life. Do you take pains to nurture affection towards your wife, even in the hard times? When Kathi and I have argued, we have come to see that it often results from a loss of perspective. Rather than focusing on the 99% of the person that we love and cherish, we’re instead focused on the 1% that’s harder to appreciate. When you speak with your wife today, build her up with respect and affection. Say please, thank you, and I love you at least once. As needed, tell her that you’re sorry. Repeat as necessary!

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Fr. Dave Pivonka T.O.R, President, Franciscan University of Steubenville raves:
“Kevin Lowry’s Honor Thy Wife is a heartfelt collection of short,
personal stories that offer practical and meaningful encouragement for men
to love their wives deeply and faithfully-just as Christ loves the Church.
The book is both inspiring and relatable”

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