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Marriage Minute for Men #7, by Kevin Lowry

Much to my regret, I have not always spoken to my wife with honor. There have been many slip-ups over the years, and many apologies. I should know better, since I have a fantastic example. My parents have been married for over sixty years. They’re both in their eighties now, and struggling with various ailments. Dad had a stroke a while back that took a toll. But one thing hasn’t changed: he is devoted to my mother, and speaks to her with extraordinary love. He tells me all the time, in front of my mom, how wonderful she is and how blessed they are to be together. My dad’s gift of speaking to my mom with love and affection is just one manifestation of a truly incredible marriage. This isn’t fashionable, but it is absolutely possible. Remember to honor your wife today by speaking to her and about her with honor.

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Fr. Dave Pivonka T.O.R, President, Franciscan University of Steubenville raves:
“Kevin Lowry’s Honor Thy Wife is a heartfelt collection of short,
personal stories that offer practical and meaningful encouragement for men
to love their wives deeply and faithfully-just as Christ loves the Church.
The book is both inspiring and relatable”

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