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Marriage Minute for Men #6, by Kevin Lowry

Do you have a problem with lust? This is common… and deadly. Too many men today have a problem with pornography, and if that includes you, please get help. Start with sacramental confession, which provides grace to help us make the changes we need. Remember that part of a good confession includes a firm “purpose of amendment” or intention to avoid sin in the future. Think about how to best accomplish that: counseling, support groups, device monitoring? Thankfully, the grace of the sacrament is there to help us make changes, and even our modest efforts are blessed. Confession provides us with the grace to begin again. By committing to work on lust, or any other sin, we’ll grow in virtue, and love for our wives. Commit to always putting God, and your wife, above yourself!

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Fr. Dave Pivonka T.O.R, President, Franciscan University of Steubenville raves:
“Kevin Lowry’s Honor Thy Wife is a heartfelt collection of short,
personal stories that offer practical and meaningful encouragement for men
to love their wives deeply and faithfully-just as Christ loves the Church.
The book is both inspiring and relatable”

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