As you probably know, there are seven deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Are any of them a problem for you? If you’re not sure, ask your wife. She knows. This is what’s sometimes called a “predominant fault,” or area where we experience ongoing struggle. This doesn’t mean you’re a failure – just human. It’s so easy to see other people’s faults, but often harder to see our own. Yet by identifying our most pressing challenge, we can be clear about what’s necessary to overcome it. We often hesitate when it comes to making decisive changes in our lives, but we can’t let our own reluctance keep us in a place of bondage. In order to be the husbands our wives need, it’s imperative that we’re willing to change ourselves. Pray for the grace to identify your issue, and work on it.
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