We know that prayer is essential for a sacramental marriage to flourish. Here’s one approach that I like that I learned from the late Fr. Michael Scanlan, President of Franciscan University of Steubenville for many years. It’s based on the acronym ACTS. A is for Adoration (giving God glory for who He is). C is for Contrition (for example, being sorry for missing the mark in your marriage). T is for Thanksgiving (being thankful for your wife, even during tough times). S is for Supplication (prayers for your wife, for her needs, her healing, etc.) As you pray through each element, lift up your wife. Say a prayer for your wife right now. If you’re brave, make a firm resolution to pray for her daily. It can be as simple as “Lord, thank you for my precious wife.” But I’ll bet you can do even better than that.
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