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Marriage Minute for Men #2, by Kevin Lowry

The first time I saw my wife Kathi was in college, from the other side of a crowded room. I remember her sparkling eyes, and the smile on her face as she talked and joked with friends. I was utterly transfixed. “Wow!” I thought. “She’s beautiful!” Part of the process of falling in love with a woman is coming to an appreciation of her gifts, which are so different from ours. What first attracted you to your wife? Often a physical attraction initially elicits our interest, but there’s more to her than that. What was it about her character, her personality, her intellect, that endures? What were her strengths that you admired? Take some time today to remember those qualities about your wife that you couldn’t bear to live without. I’ll bet they’re still present, and that she wouldn’t mind if you mentioned just one to her today.

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Find out why Fr. John Riccardo says:
“This little gem by Kevin Lowry is rich with vulnerable stories, humor, and
concrete suggestions that can dramatically impact every marriage.
Please read this and give it to every married man you know!”

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