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Marriage Minute for Men #11, by Kevin Lowry

How do you speak about your wife at home? When one of my sons was a teenager, his relationship with Kathi was contentious at times. One night, I came home from work to a heated exchange between them. Kathi was crying, and my son was in a corner scowling. As it turned out, a disrespectful comment by my son to Kathi had rapidly escalated. “Come with me,” I told him. We spoke privately. “Honor mom,” I told him. “That’s your challenge. The circumstances don’t matter. If you think she’s wrong, it doesn’t matter. If you’re angry with her, it doesn’t matter. You still need to honor mom.” By the grace of God, the concept clicked with him. It also helped me to recognize my responsibility to set the right example, and to do my best to always honor my wife in our home. She deserves nothing less.

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Amazon reviewer Aaron says:

“Wonderful, thought provoking, and calls us as men, out of ourselves with
timeless wisdom to enable us to love our wives more deeply.
Definitely a book I see myself coming back to from time to time.”

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