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Marriage Minute for Men #10, by Kevin Lowry

Do we speak positively about our wives in the workplace, or do we descend into despondent “ball and chain” narratives full of prideful self-pity? There are many benefits of speaking positively about our wives in the workplace, besides the public witness it provides. It also helps us. Speaking highly of our wives when they’re not around helps the seeds of affection and love to flourish in our hearts. It can be difficult if we’re going through the inevitable challenging times that all marriages face, yet in those circumstances it’s even more important to honor our wives and not allow our frustrations to guide our words. Resolve to make your workplace a wife-honoring zone. Decide today that your words from this time forward, will be positive… or you won’t say anything.

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It’s always the right time to honor your wedding vows.
And it’s never too late to re-commit to your marriage.

Amazon reviewer Aaron says:

“Wonderful, thought provoking, and calls us as men, out of ourselves with
timeless wisdom to enable us to love our wives more deeply.
Definitely a book I see myself coming back to from time to time.”

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